COVID-19 影響 iPhone 14 Pro / Pro Max 出貨 Apple 新聞稿:供應鏈工人的健康和安全放首位

| 李兆城 | 07-11-2022 08:44 | |
COVID-19 影響 iPhone 14 Pro / Pro Max 出貨 Apple 新聞稿:供應鏈工人的健康和安全放首位

早前富士康鄭洲廠爆出疫情傳聞,並有消息指將影響 iPhone 14 Pro 及 iPhone 14 Pro Max 的出貨量。Apple 在美國時間 11 月 6 日罕有地發出新聞稿,確認中國鄭州的組裝工廠受 COVID-19 影響,產量將顯著減少。

Apple 稱,現時預計 iPhone 14 Pro 和 iPhone 14 Pro Max 的出貨量將低於之前的預期,客戶將經歷更長的等待時間才能收到新產品。

Apple 強調,我們將供應鏈中工人的健康和安全放在首位,正在與供應商密切合作,以恢復正常的生產水平。



Apple 官方新聞稿全文

CUPERTINO, California COVID-19 restrictions have temporarily impacted the primary iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max assembly facility located in Zhengzhou, China. The facility is currently operating at significantly reduced capacity. As we have done throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we are prioritizing the health and safety of the workers in our supply chain.

We continue to see strong demand for iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max models. However, we now expect lower iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max shipments than we previously anticipated and customers will experience longer wait times to receive their new products.

We are working closely with our supplier to return to normal production levels while ensuring the health and safety of every worker.

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