上連登問點解 WhatsApp 都要用英文!網民港式英文「問候」

| WAH | 10-11-2017 18:23 | |
上連登問點解 WhatsApp 都要用英文!網民港式英文「問候」

相信大家都會日日用 WhatsApp,但平時玩 WhatsApp 跟朋友或同事對話,你會用中文還是英文呢!有位叫「薄餅」的連登網民,就出帖問「點解咁多 X 街連 WhatsApp 都要用英文?」他表示,電郵要 formal 所以用英文都理解,但 WhatsApp 都打「雞腸」仲要錯 grammer 就令佢覺得太離譜!還要補一句「英文差就好心用返中文啦!」平時用慣中文打 WhatsApp 的你,可能都會認同呢位薄餅哥之言,但連登網友似乎有唔少都覺得用英文打 WhatsApp 無問題,更非常齊心一起用「港式英文」(其實部分都唔算係正式英文但大家都一定睇得明)回覆樓主。 


Sorry lor. I' m not good at typing Chinese ar ma.
Collect skin la u 
chinese very hard to type wor
Dou ng g lei jm9
Kwan nei lun si meh
use smart phone type Chinese ho difficult ar u knw I say mug is ok la
ng sick Chinese ar ma
Because type chinese ho slow lor
No chance ar boss need english, I still type 中文with my friends
texting English is much more easy ar ma! !!!!!
You have learned English since kindergarten and English is the first foreign language commonly used in Hong Kong. There is nothing wrong with using English in daily conversation.
Sor lor fight english right duck crime you
type English hv problems?
eng dou ng shake!new hongkonger??
is it better if i type in french?
sorry lor, you dont know english? take english lesson la
I go to school by bus
Me type what none of your business la

綜合回應,似乎不少網民都覺得用英文玩 WhatsApp 無問題,部分意見認為在手機打英文,都較打中文來得方便;有人就認為,只要雙方都明白對話意思,用英文都無問題。近年,不少 WhatsApp 用戶其實連英文也懶得打,索性改用 WhatsApp 的錄音功能,你又認為哪種方法才是最理想的 WhatsApp 輸入方式?


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